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The Linux Thread

I do think you mean window manager rather than distro here, but will say a bit more below.

I meant both. Sometimes some distros will introduce their own functional tweaks to a certain window manager, so I was covering both bases.

Your problem is likely that you're using the discrete GPU & ignoring whatever on board performance GPU your laptop comes with.

No discrete GPU in my laptop.

I finally had the chance to try the latest Plasma desktop version as part of the KDE neon distro, and I think they nailed it! Over 90% percent improvement. I can scale in 5% increments, and whatever value I picked, it didn't introduce an instant headache. So there is hope with Plasma 6, I'll just have to wait for a more stable distro to bundle it, as KDE neon breaks things here and there with their latest rolling updates.

Thanks to everyone who chimed in.
I've been slowly migrating my desktop to Fedora Workstation away from Arch as I have far less time these days to maintain and administer a system that I want to just get work done on. Bluetooth drivers broke one too many times and I called it a day on Arch.

So far I am very impressed by the sane defaults and also consider it a benefit that when I build servers in the future, I can use something like Alma or Rocky linux and have all the same commands as Fedora. Might even be something for the resume re: RedHat Enterprise etc.